Olá  :)

I’m Clara,
a multidisciplinary designer with a
focus on communication and experience.

As a designer, I strive for creative and
empathetic problem-solving, working
with and for users and collaborating
across fields.

I enjoy navigating challenging projects
and developing innovative and impactful
experiences, using
as a medium.

Skills and Tools

Skills: UX/UI Design, graphic design, illustrating/storyboarding, physical/digital prototyping, brand strategy, filming/editing, 3D modeling

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere/After Effects, Figma, HTML/CSS, Arduino, Autodesk Fusion 360, Microsoft Office


2022 - 2024  ·  MFA Interaction Design @ Umeå Institute of Design [se]

2018 – 2021  ·  BA Design @ University of Aveiro [pt] 

2018 – 2019  ·  Best Freshmen of the University of Aveiro [pt]

Work Experience

2022 - now   ·   Freelancing for Porto Editora [pt]

I create vector illustrations for educational books in various subjects, such as mathematics, history, geography, and more. Porto Editora is a leading educational publisher in Portugal in the areas of educational books, dictionaries and multimedia products, both off-line and on-line.

Other Experience

2020 – 2021  ·  Design Students Association of the University of Aveiro [pt]

As a Collaborator and Board Member, I organized and developed graphic identities for design related events. I was Project Leader of the 2nd edition of NEDcast. The project consisted of producing a series of interviews with Portuguese designers and artists, with the goal of helping students better understand the market and industry.

2020  ·  Research Summit of the University of Aveiro [pt]

Pitcher under the scope of PIIC@UA – Scientific Research Incentive Program. The work presented was developed with 4 colleagues and mentored by Professora Helena Barbosa (PhD).

2018 – 2019  ·  Voluntary at Festival of Street Theatre [pt]

Voluntary at Imaginarius – International Festival of Street Theatre, under the program Imaginarius Participa.

2016 – 2019  ·  Basketball Coach Assistant (part time) [pt]

Coach Assistant of the Sub8 (children under 8 years).

For more, here is my    CV

Folha de plátano [pt] · plane tree leaf

Björklöv [se] · birch leaf

Let’s chat ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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