
Emotionally Empowered Activism
—designing for momentum and resilience in Youth-Led Grassroots

Master Thesis   Social Sustainability

Activism is a deeply emotional endeavor, driven by the collective sentiments of individuals advocating for change. However, the intricate role of emotions in activism often remains convoluted, complicating its understanding and management. This project explores how emotional awareness and reflection can empower activist groups, by helping them build momentum and cultivate resilience

MFA Thesis at Umeå Institute of Design

20 weeks, Spring 2024
Project Gallery  ·  Thesis Report

UID24 Grad Show· 3 min pitch


Youth Activism and Digital Spaces  ·  Initial Research

The contrast between the nature of activism, a deeply human activity that focuses on agency and expression, and the often restrictive and constrained nature of certain digital spaces, such as social media, proposed itself as an interesting area to explore. I undertook this project to investigate how young activists leverage technology to support their practices, identify the challenges they encounter, and explore untapped opportunities.

Emotionally Empowered Activism ·  Design Direction

Along the way, I discovered the convoluted role that emotions play in activism, how they intersect with both the offline and online realms, and how they constitute a key component of activism for individuals and collectives. I then ideated and explored this area through design methodologies, ultimately proposing a digital product—Emotional Reservoir—a platform that aims to support groups develop emotional reflexivity practices.



Emotional Reservoir—is the prototype of a digital platform that aims to aid to aid youth-led grassroots groups be emotionally empowered, by fostering awareness and reflection. It visualizes the emotional landscapes within these groups and surrounding communities through interactive data. It presents features to support groups explore resonance for sustained engagement and emotional reflexivity for long-term resilience.

Features of the Platform

Emotional Reservoir—Groups can identify resonating topics and associated emotions, providing insight into their current emotional landscape.

Group Profile—To understand the group's identity and the spectrum of values it represents, strengthening group bonds and discussing compromises between individuals and collective.

✦ Aligned Actions—Members can reflect on how to transform their emotions into activities that align with their motivations and intended impact.

Balanced Landscapes—Supporting groups manage emotional imbalances.

✦ Community Reservoir—Groups can access how their community is responding to relevant topics, identifying emerging trends for mobilization.


✦ Read more about my journey and findings ...

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